Thank you for your interest in Ponts per la Pau. We are a nonprofit organization committed to fostering peace, education, and human rights. Through our diverse range of programs, advocacy initiatives, and collaborations, we strive to create a more equitable and peaceful world.

We value your feedback, inquiries, and collaboration opportunities. Whether you have a question, an idea for a partnership, or simply want to learn more about our work, please feel free to contact us.

Please use the contact form below or email us at to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you and joining forces to make a difference together.


Ponts per la Pau is committed to creating positive change through collaboration and partnerships. We welcome opportunities to work together with individuals and organizations who share our vision and values. Here are some potential collaboration and partnership opportunities:

  1. Joint Projects: We are open to partnering on projects that align with our mission of promoting peace and social justice. If you have an idea for a joint project that can make a difference in our community, we would love to explore possibilities for collaboration.
  2. Capacity Building: We value knowledge exchange and capacity building. If you have expertise in areas related to peacebuilding, conflict resolution, or community empowerment, we are interested in exploring opportunities for training, workshops, and knowledge sharing.
  3. Fundraising Initiatives: As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the support of funding partners to sustain our initiatives. If you are interested in supporting our work through fundraising events, sponsorships, or grant opportunities, we would be happy to discuss potential partnerships.
  4. Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns: We believe in raising awareness about pressing social issues and advocating for positive change. If you are involved in advocacy campaigns or have expertise in raising awareness, we are eager to collaborate on impactful initiatives that promote peace, justice, and equality.
  5. Research and Evaluation: We are interested in partnering with researchers and evaluators to enhance the effectiveness of our programs and initiatives. If you have experience in conducting research or evaluation studies related to peacebuilding and social change, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate.


If you see potential for collaboration or partnership with Ponts per la Pau, we invite you to reach out to us via or the contact form provided below.

Together, let’s work towards building a more peaceful and just society

Can we help you?

Would you like to make a quick donation?

Bizum: 08623

IBAN: ES86 3025 0033 0814 0000 4948


The mission of Ponts per la Pau is to promote peace, social justice, and human rights through education, development, and empowering individuals as agents of change. Find more information here.

You can stay updated on the latest news, events, and initiatives of Ponts per la Pau by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media platforms, and regularly visiting our website for announcements and updates.

While we welcome volunteers of all ages, certain volunteer opportunities may have specific age requirements or restrictions due to the nature of the tasks involved. We will work with you to find a suitable volunteer role based on your age and skills.

Yes, Ponts per la Pau offers internships and volunteer programs for students seeking practical experience in the fields of peacebuilding, social justice, and human rights. Please contact us (link to email) for more information on current opportunities.

You can donate to support our work directly on the website  or through the Volunteer . We offer secure online donation options, or you can choose to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring contribution.

Yes, we appreciate in-kind donations of items or resources that align with our programs and initiatives. Please contact us  to discuss your donation and how it can support our work.

To become a member of Ponts per la Pau, please fill out the membership application form available on our website. Membership offers the opportunity to be involved in our activities, receive exclusive updates, and contribute to our organization’s decision-making processes.

Ponts per la Pau has had a significant impact on the community by promoting education for peace, fostering dialogue, supporting marginalized groups, and advocating for human rights. Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to create positive social change and empower people to become peace agents.

You can get involved as a volunteer, member, or donor by filling out our Volunteer and Donation Inquiry Form  on our website. We have various volunteer opportunities available, and we will match your skills and interests with our programs and initiatives.

The time commitment to volunteer may vary depending on the specific opportunity. Some roles may require regular commitment, while others may be project-based or flexible. We will provide information on the expected time commitment for each volunteer opportunity.

Yes, Ponts per la Pau offers training sessions and orientation for volunteers to ensure they are well-prepared for their roles. We provide resources, workshops, and ongoing support to help volunteers contribute effectively to our programs and initiatives. Please contact us  for more information.

Yes, Ponts per la Pau is a registered nonprofit organization, and donations made to us are tax-deductible as allowed by law. We will provide you with a receipt for your contribution. Donate now 

The decision to include only limited information is primarily due to security reasons, especially considering the situation in Afghanistan and the potential risks associated with operating in conflict-affected areas. Ponts per la Pau prioritizes the safety and well-being of its team members, partners, and beneficiaries. By maintaining a level of anonymity, the organization aims to protect individuals involved in its programs from possible threats or reprisals.

This approach helps ensure the safety and confidentiality of all involved parties, allowing Ponts per la Pau to continue its work effectively and safely in challenging environments. Thanks for understanding!

As a member of Ponts per la Pau, you will have the opportunity to engage in peacebuilding activities, attend exclusive member events, network with like-minded individuals, and have a voice in the direction of the organization. Membership also demonstrates your commitment to promoting peace and social justice.