Our Projects in Spain

Ponts per la Pau in numbers

Our impact in Spain



People benefited


Partners and collaborators


In Spain, Ponts per la Pau is actively involved in promoting social inclusion and empowerment through literacy and Spanish language classes for newcomers to the country. These classes not only facilitate language acquisition but also serve as a foundation for promoting understanding, positive coexistence, and full participation in society. The organization organizes leisure activities and informative sessions to help newcomers access existing resources, fostering autonomy and personal growth.

Ponts per la Pau also conducts training and awareness activities, including talks, exhibitions, conferences, and the preparation of educational materials. These initiatives focus on raising awareness about Afghanistan, human rights, and the culture of peace. Through knowledge exchange, reflection, and dialogue, Ponts per la Pau aims to dismantle rumors, prejudices, and stereotypes against migrants and refugees. The organization actively seeks networking and collaboration opportunities with local actors, participating in projects and events that align with its mission.

Join our cause and make a real impact

Make a donation to our projects!

With €5, you can provide a student with the necessary educational materials for one month.

With €10, you can purchase enough sewing material to support the economic independence of an entrepreneurial woman and the economic development of her community.

With €15, we can acquire 5 new books for our reading clubs and libraries for women.

With €20, we can obtain enough medication and sanitary pads for a woman for 30 days.